You Can Help Rewild Our Planet!
Protecting Biodiversity Requires Bold Vision and Action!

Help Us Protect 30% by 2030
"Without bold vision and hope, we conservationists are rudderless in a stormy political sea. The Rewilding Institute is committed to inspiring conservation work with vision and hope." ~Dave Foreman
Your donation will support The Rewilding Institute's work toward restoring, connecting, and protecting at least 30% of North America's wildlands, rivers, and coastal waters by 2030!
BONUS! Globally, Rewilding will also provide massive atmospheric carbon sequestration!
Big or small donations, we have so many options to support Rewilding!
(And every donation amount counts!)
Send Check or Money Order to...
The Rewilding Institute
POB 13768, Albuquerque, NM 87192, USA.
The Rewilding Institute is 501(c)3 and all donations are tax-deductible.
We wish to thank all our contributors for their generous support!
Why Your Support Matters So Much...
With dire headlines and constantly updated science on the decline of biodiversity, climate stability, and the ongoing war on nature, it's sometimes hard to find the hope required to keep fighting.
The Rewilding Institute has a plan, outlined in the book "Rewilding North America," written by TRI founder Dave Foreman. When we feel low due to depressing headlines, we remember that there is a plan. It is a plan that will definitely work. An alternative to total subjugation of nature and decline in biodiversity around the world.
We at TRI support this plan with our work on the ground in North America and by spreading the message of hope that abounds in rewilding projects and potential efforts worldwide through our website and popular podcast.
Keepers of the Flame
In Dave's memory, with our combined decades of experience under his mentorship, we at TRI are dedicated to continuing to spread the word and the works that represent the best of what it means to conserve, expand, restore, and protect wildlands and waters.
There IS a solution to the biggest problems affecting biodiversity and climate. And that solution is what you are being asked to support today!
How We Are Funded
The Rewilding Institute is dependent mainly on donations from individuals. Along with our straight talk, what we do does not appeal to most foundations. There are a few exceptions—the Weeden Foundation, EMA Foundation, and Patagonia, Inc. Otherwise, our income comes from individuals, small family foundations, book sales, and speaking honoraria.
The organizational philosophy of The Rewilding Institute is to stay small, lean, and focused, with minimum overhead, staff, and bureaucracy, so it can better concentrate on its priorities and on working with partners.
Because of our approach, individual contributions go a long way. Your support of The Rewilding Institute will pay off.
We are incorporated and have 501(c)3 charitable status as North American Wilderness Recovery and do business as The Rewilding Institute.
Please contact us for our tax identification number.